A Delhi, India gaming operation was recently raided and 14 people were apprehended. The alleged illegal casino was operating out of the Radisson Blu Hotel, Mahipalpur, according to a report from the Press Trust Of India.

Gambling is illegal in most of IndiaDelhi, India s Radisson Blu Hotel, Mahipalpur shown here. Police claim illegal gambling was taking place in the hotel. (Image: Booking.com)

Police conducted the raid after getting tipped off about suspicious activity going on in the hotel, located in Delhi s Vasant Kunj neighborhood.

“A raid was conducted in rooms number 101 and 103 of the hotel, during which 14 people were found gambling using colorful chips and cards,” Ingit Pratap Singh, deputy commissioner of police in Delhi, was quoted by the report. “These chips were used as a transaction currency and the actual cash payment was made the next day.

A total of Rs 1.12 lakh in cash, equal to about US$1,538, was found at the gaming operation.

Also seized were 6,100 chips. They were valued at Rs 3,050,000. That works out to about US$41,887. Some 30 sets of cards were also located.

Of those arrested, four women were from Nepal and one was from Punjab. The nine men were from Delhi-National Capital Region.

The 14 could be charged for violations under the Delhi Public Gambling Act, the report said. Gambling generally is illegal in India. Those convicted could face fines or incarceration.

Also, the arrests led local police to be presented with a show-cause notice, the news report said. Such a notice typically is issued if a government official’s conduct is questioned.

Earlier Gambling Raids in India

The recent raid is far from the only police search of suspected illegal gaming operations.

Last July, for example, a police raid of India’s Green Park Resort, , led to the apprehension of 23 people on gambling and related charges.

During the raid, authorities also seized Rs 73,000 in currency, equal to about $977, and some liquor. The total value of the seized items is Rs 1.31 lakh, equal to about US $1,753, the report adds.

The gaming operation was located about 83 miles north of Mumbai.

Also, in October 2019, Delhi police detained 58 suspects following a late-night raid on a gambling den housed in a i village hotel basement.

During a search of the property, police seized many rupees, worth about $15,000, some 6,000 plastic gambling tokens, and five poker tables, India Today said. Police also seized 65 mobile phones, the Hindustan Times reported.

The arrests were part of a continuing crackdown on illegal gambling in India.

Move to Expand Legal Gambling in Goa

Unlike Delhi, the and Sikkim regions in India allow limited gambling.

Also, airline passengers soon may be able to gamble in North Goa. The popular tourist destination may feature gaming venues at a 232-acre planned commercial zone adjoining the forthcoming Mopa International Airport.